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Landscaping ideas and designs for every backyard

There is always going to be a grey area surrounding what adds value to your property and what doesn’t, but you can safely assume that garden landscaping can be at the top of your list of what can. When you consider how little landscaping can cost, it’s pretty much a no brainer.

Imagine this for a situation. Your house is standard, but your yard is overgrown. The lawns are knee-high and in desperate need of care, and the gardens look like they haven’t seen any maintenance in years. People see your yard and immediately think less of the property in general. They may even consider paying less for it based on the amount of work they have to put into it.

You mow the lawns, weed the gardens, and do a bit of a tidy-up with hedge trimming and general rubbish clearing. All of a sudden, your property is now desirable and garners considerable interest. How easy was that?

Whether you’re planning on selling or not, it’s not hard to see that garden landscaping is a beneficial task to undertake on your weekends at home. Here are some of the best landscaping ideas for your backyard in NZ that may help to get the ball rolling.

For Privacy

New Zealand’s population is growing at a rapid rate, which means more houses are popping up on smaller sections than ever before. It’s not uncommon for homeowners to find themselves boxed in on all sides, so where are you supposed to find much-needed privacy in your own backyard?

Some excellent NZ landscaping ideas to combat this problem are privacy-offering plants, trellis, and screens. Plants such as photinia, murraya, and camellia can be excellent choices in the plant world. You can also attach climbing plants to a trellis, or create a peaceful nook with the help of easy-to-install screens.

For the Birds and the Bees

For those who want to focus their attention on landscaping ideas in NZ for insects and birdlife, there are several things you can do here too. Grow wildflowers, hang a bird feeder, and consider the installation of a bird table and bath. It would also help to do your research on the best plants to attract bumblebees.

Poppies, marigold, dahlias, and geraniums are a few of the many annual and perennial plants that bees adore. Birds, on the other hand, will appreciate Kowhai, Pohutukawa, and fruit trees.

For Entertainment

After working a hard 40-hour week, you deserve a weekend to yourself or with family and friends. Without an entertainment area, however, that can be a little tricky. Your backyard is a blank canvas for landscaping ideas in this respect.

Start by outlining the best area in which to place your entertainment hub. Find out where will get the most sun but will also be most private and sheltered from the elements. You can then work out whether you want concrete, paving stones, gravel, or a deck to form the foundation of your entertainment area.

From here, you can focus on lighting, a central point such as a barbecue or spa pool, and furniture for all those who will take advantage of it. A few shade and privacy-offering plants won’t go astray either.

For Peace

Nature can lift your mood, strengthen your wellbeing, help you find your balance, and build resilience. If you are searching for NZ landscaping ideas that can offer peace after a hectic week, then we’ll deliver.

Start by creating a peaceful area in your yard with a focal point. Many people love the gentle babbling of water on rocks, so why not invest in a pond or water feature? You can then fill this with plant life, and a quaint seating area for reflection. Work on this area as your personal project and enjoy immense satisfaction once it’s complete.

For Sale

Finally, if you’re about to put your property on the market – which is not surprising in this buoyant market – then you’ll be looking for tree and hedge trimming that spell profit. It’s easier than you think to make your labour work for you.

Mow the lawns or have someone take care of them for you, and make sure all your garden materials are in tip-top shape. Pull out weeds and dead plants, edge the lawns and gardens, and even consider cleaning and repairing the spouting if it’s been some time since you tackled that task.

Small changes can have a significant impact, so spend a few weeks in the lead up to putting your house on the market, ensuring your yard looks the picture of perfection.

Try these Garden Landscaping Ideas for Yourself

Not everyone is born with a green thumb, which can make it exceptionally challenging to come up with landscaping ideas that suit NZ conditions on your own. Take note of this helpful information above. If you still need a helping hand, why not get in touch with a lawn mowing, gardening, and landscaping expert? You’ll have your own little slice of private paradise in no time.